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CoVid 2.0, BCPS Trans Bathrooms, Cancel Culture and More!

By Vice President Louise Baker

We have some wonderful speakers today to inform us of past mistakes of our government regarding the handling of Covid in 2020 but also what is coming down the pike for us. This subject is very timely given what is happening now to the January 6th political prisoners. They are unfortunately being mistreated all over again under the guise of Covid. We know this through an associate member who has regular letter correspondence with one detainee and his girlfriend. These men and women are indeed being thrown back in the “hole” as Covid 2.0 amps up. Please consider letter writing again to offer words of encouragement and support.

Regarding our second Amendment constitutional right, there was a victory on September 29th, two days before it was to take effect, a federal judge enjoined three portions of SB1. This judge temporarily stopped the “private building consent rule”, the ban on carrying in a place with alcohol, and the ban on carrying at public demonstrations. However, this bill will not stop us Republican women from exercising our 2nd Amendment Constitutional right! Our friends at M.R. Tactical hosted 11 full members of RWBC for Concealed Carry certification. We had two participants score a perfect 100%, these two members join only one other woman to ever shoot a perfect score at M.R. Tactical. To date no male has achieved this goal.

Additional classes to include our associate members are planned for November 14 and 19 at M.R. Tactical in Glen Arm. They offer a complete one stop shopping package including HQL, fingerprints and the qualification test at an amazing venue for an unforgettable experience.

As you are aware RWBC fell victim to cancel culture through the cancellation of movie night at the Greene Turtle in Hunt Valley and later at High Topps in Timonium? This won’t stop us, as we will pivot to a member’s home for the screenings. We encourage all members to boycott these restaurants and make them realize the consequences of their actions. Apparently, the fact that drag queen brunches and story times are acceptable but showing conservative movies shines a clear light of what we are up against. Nevertheless, we have a lineup of exceptional movies and we invite all to attend these events.

There is a new reason to become involved with our County Board of Education, as the issue of transgender youth using the bathroom and locker room of their choice gains momentum. Testimonies before the school board are amplifying the dialogue on this issue. RWBC Education Chair Katie Swim created this informative video on how to sign up to speak at the BCPS Board Meetings. This is your chance to make your voice heard, be proactive and sign up to speak. BCPS Board Meeting are held twice a month, so there is lots of opportunities to testify.

Upcoming BCPS School Board meeting dates: October 24, November 7, 20 December 5, 19, 2023

As always, I encourage all to recognize the importance of talking to average citizens, current politicians and candidates about the Keep the Nine Amendment. We must ban court packing through the ratification of the Keep the Nine Amendment. Every topic I just covered may very well end up at the Supreme Court and it is imperative that we maintain the integrity, balance, and impartiality of the highest court of our country.

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