This homegrown guy running for Congress in Maryland’s district 2 deserves consideration. Lance Griffin has served our Country in many capacities from the armed services to the Police and FBI! His humble upbringing has taught him valuable lessons and he considers himself the embodiment of the American Dream. As true Constitutionalist he plans to hold Washington, DC accountable in several ways including fiscally.
Lance Griffin is a conservative who believes in freedom, individual responsibility, the rule of law, limited government, accountability, a strong national defense and government that offers a “hand up and not out”.
“I proud to say I am the product of the American Dream.”
"I truly believe we live in the greatest country in the world. A country that because of the freedoms with which we are endowed, allows for opportunity and effort to be the rails to our goals.
I grew up in Dundalk, MD, in a blue-collar neighborhood. Through some unfortunate family events, for a period of time my family had to rely on government assistance. Though low on the economic ladder, we were taught to respect ourselves, other people, and their property. Furthermore, education was a priority for my parents and was instilled at an early age. This was most exemplified by my mother who through hard-work, dedication, and discipline was able to attend a local community college and eventually obtain her Bachelor’s degree to become a teacher. She completed this in conjunction with raising four boys, while encouraging me and my brothers to use our G0d-given talents to advance.
I obtained a scholarship to Loyola Blakefield High School and subsequently a scholarship to Loyola College. I put my accounting degree to work as an Auditor for the Office of Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services. At the same time, I enlisted in the Maryland Army National Guard, eventually obtaining a commission through Officer Candidate School and then served as an Infantry Platoon Leader. A desire to serve in law enforcement led me to become a Baltimore County Police Officer and then a Special Agent with the FBI.
I truly believe we live in the greatest country in the world. A country that because of the freedoms with which we are endowed allows for opportunity and effort to be the rails to our goals."
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