MEDIA CONTACT: The Baltimore County Republican Party
Kathleen Smero, BCRP Chairperson
Patriot Club America
Jeff McDonald PCA President
Republican Women of Baltimore County
Jolie McShane RWBC President
Towson – For Immediate Release: Due to the findings of numerous voting anomalies* during an independent investigation by the Maryland Voter Integrity Group, the Patriot Club of America (PCA) and Republican Women of Baltimore County (RWBC) are demanding a full and responsible clean-up of the Baltimore County voter rolls.
It is imperative that before the June 2022 primary the county voting rolls be updated by the removal of voters who are deceased, have moved to another county/state or have been inactive for two general elections. This maintenance process is required under federal and Maryland Law. Election security should always be a top priority. Accurate and up-to-date voter rolls are vital to secure elections, and voters should have the opportunity to update their information. Accurate voter rolls ensure a smooth process at the polls and helps with costs as clean and up-to-date information gives the county election board a better idea of how many ballots will be needed, staffing, etc.
“Especially important are the 4820 Baltimore County voters who voted in 2020 yet, in December 2021, were spontaneously re-classified as ‘inactive’. Throughout the entire state, the total number of voters who voted in the 2020 election that were re-classified to inactive in December 2021 is 51,651. It is imperative that the election boards clean up our voter rolls in effort to maintain the integrity of our elections,” said Robyn Sachs, Chair of the Maryland Voter Integrity Group.
The PCA and RWBC offer the following as a plan to clean and purge the voter rolls:
1. Purge voters that do not reside in Baltimore County. *
2. Remove duplicate voters. *
3. Investigate households with between six to fifteen residents who voted from the same
household. *
4. Investigate voters who have addresses at USPS, UPS, storage units and other
questionable residences. *
5. Investigate voters who have more than one registration and those where the address
does not easily accommodate the number of voters registered at that same
address. As example 26 registrant aka ghost registrants in a 2-bedroom home.
6. Compare, reconcile, and purge voters using deaths reported to SSA and the Register
of Wills. *
7. Compare, reconcile, and purge voters using the county’s tax records and primary
residences against county and state tax filings. *
8. Make provisional ballots a different size, color so they are handled separately and
NOT SCANNED with all ballots that are not provisional.
9. Demand mail-in ballots be counted before in-person ballots. As well, all mail-in
ballots be counted by precinct.
10. Use paper ballots as opposed to the electronic voting machines.
A simple solution is to Hand Count the Paper Ballots we already vote on. Our highly Electronic Voting System is vulnerable to Cyber Fraud & Hacking, per Cyber Experts like Alex Halderman. Paper Ballots with Hand Counts would go a long way to regain the Public’s confidence.
The PCA and RWBC implore the Baltimore County Republican and Democrat Central Committees to join in this effort to keep our voter rolls beyond reproach.
*Supporting data available upon request.
## END of RELEASE ##