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RWBC Interviews Key Figures in Maryland Election Integrity Efforts

At the August 21, 2023 meeting of Patriot Club of America, Kate Sullivan and Robyn Sachs provided updates and discoveries of Maryland election data. Watch the informative videos below!

Kate Sullivan shares many facts and data found as she and others work tirelessly to accurately report many voter discrepancies here in the State of Maryland. The results are quite shocking. Kate offers concerned citizens numerous tools available in order to make an impactful difference.

Robyn Sachs, President of the Maryland Voter Integrity Group, has been analyzing election data since 2020 and offers resources for citizens to become involved as Maryland plans to follow New York’s template to write a resolution compiling all of the troubling data collected.

Gordana Schifanelli, former Candidate for Lieutenant Governor, explains what stood out to her in the presentation on election integrity in the State of Maryland and offers patriots ways to get involved.

Nicolee Ambrose, National GOP Committee Woman Chair, discusses her thoughts on election integrity and upcoming opportunities for concerned Maryland patriots, which can be found at

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