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Maryland HR937 Abortion Legislation Mirrors the World Health Organization (W.H.O) Demands

On Saturday May 21, 2022, the Republican Women of Baltimore County hosted an event titled “Who Is Influencing Our Children’s Education, Our Elections and Our Legislation?” Three of the five invited guests accepted our invitation to discuss ‘Outside International and Non-Governmental Influencers' on our legislative process, our children’s education and our elections. This blog will be a three-part series, addressing each category of the presentation separately.

Marylanders are taking quick and decisive action against the recently passed Maryland “Abortion Care Access Act” HR 937. What is this horrific bill all about? How is it that this bill miraculously mirrors the World Health Organization’s (W.H.O.) worldwide demand of “Abortion at Any Time for Any Reason”? How is it that 80% of Marylanders do not believe that our tax dollars should be used to fund abortions, yet this bill is passed? Worse than that, the passage of Maryland’s HR937 Bill assures Marylanders pay for all abortions AND pay the annual training fees for Abortionists (DOCTORS NEED NOT APPLY).

Maryland will become one of only two states (California) to earn the designation of being an “Abortion Tourism State”. What this means is women from any state in the union will come to Maryland for their abortions and “WE” will pay for it. Sadly, it is speculated that trafficked women will be brought to Maryland for “free” abortions as our state has easy access to the I-95 Corridor. (The I-95 corridor is well known for the transportation of trafficked women and children.)

Regarding the training of the Abortionists, the law reads that if the person is in the health/medical field they are qualified to be trained as Abortionists. This means Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Mid-wives, Dieticians, Clinicians, and a long list of others will be allowed to perform abortions. As Marylanders, we will also be forced to pay for their annual training.

How was our legislation directly influenced by the W.H.O.? According to our panelist Delegate Dan Cox, the Maryland Health & Government Operations Committee handles legislation regarding life issues. This committee receives an annual visit from a non-profit organization that is directly tied to the W.H.O. The name of the non-profit group was not revealed, but their customers are Delegate Pendergrass (D-Howard County) and Delegate Joseline A. Pena-Melnyk (D-Prince Georgia County). The W.H.O. crafted legislation is pushed through the Maryland Democratic majority held house and senate, with the incentive either you vote for this bill or you lose standing. The list of bills from the W.H.O. this year not only contained the “Abortion for Any Reason and at Any Time” but other themes like “Abortion Guidelines for Countries”, “Abortion is Healthcare”, “Human Rights for Abortion” and the invasive list continues.

A fabulous article by award winning author Wesley J. Smith titled “Who Demands Abortion at Any Time for Any Reason Throughout the World” was featured in the Epoch Times Opinion section Wednesday April 6, 2022. Every highlight listed by the author is included in Maryland’s recently passed Bill HR 937.

The Republican Women of Baltimore County are joining forces with and the to have this law decided by the citizens of Maryland on the November ballot. We as citizens of Maryland do not believe the general population wants to pay for every abortion nationwide and the annual training of the abortionist.

We ask that you take action and sign the petition through the Campaign to Protect Women.

Sign the ballot here: The first round of ballots must be submitted by May 31 and another batch by June 30. Please take action to stop this egregious W.H.O. mandated bill from becoming law in the State of Maryland.

Many thanks to our panelist Delegate Dan Cox. You can hear his presentation to the attendees here:

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