Holiday Party
Special Guest Nino Mangione
$35 per person, drinks and dinner December 9, 20234:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Dinner with Special Guests
Gender Indoctrination
December 5, 2023
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Timonium, MD

Dinner and a Movie: Police State
November 28, 2023
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Ryleigh's Oyster - Timonium

Andy Harris' Congressional Update
November 18, 2023
11:30 AM - 2:00 PM

October 28, 2023
Women on Target

Dinner and a Movie: Civilization in the Danger Zone
October 24, 2023

Resisting COVID 2.0
October 21, 2023

Dinner and a Movie

Child Sex Trafficking in USA: What Can You Do?
September 16, 2023

The Maryland State Fair
Dinner and a Movie: Death County and The River of Broken Dreams
August 28, 2023

PCA and RWBC on Election Integrity
August 21, 2023

August 19, 2023
New Members Party

July 4, 2023
Towson Independence Day Parade

"Digital Dollar is a Power Grab"
June 24, 2023

May 23, 2023
Dinner and A Movie: Billionaire Radical

May 20, 2023
2024 Elections, We Must Fix This

Dinner and a Movie
April 25, 2023 5:00PM - 8:00PM
The Culture Killers
Tuesday April 4, 2023
Patriot Freedom Project Fundraiser
Featured Speaker: Derrick Evans Candidate US Congress


If you missed this session, watch here:


![2022-10-14 Governor Hogan Event[3.0] (1).jpg](,h_598,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/2022-10-14%20Governor%20Hogan%20Event%5B3_0%5D%20(1).jpg)



Saturday, June 18, 2022
Action Day

Find out what this documentary is all about
Tuesday, May 24
5:00 pm for dinner - movie starts at 6:30 pm
"Who Is"
Influencing Our Children's Education, Our Legislation
and Our Elections
Saturday, May 21, 2022 - 11:30 am
Delta at Marriott in Hunt Valley
Friends of NRA working to protect our Second Amendment rights.
April 22, 2022

Saturday, April 16, 2022
11:30 am - 2:00 pm
Delta Hotel, Hunt Valley, MD

Caring For America Committee will be holding a
"Baby Shower"
for The Hiding Place
at our April 16th General Meeting

Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Charles Village Pub - Towson, MD

Self Defense
Saturday, April 2, 2022
As a part of our continuing efforts to suport and inform our members, we have teamed with FreeState Gun Range, located in Middle River, Maryland to offer a 4-Hour Women's Defense Course. The course has been customized for our members and will incorporate the following topics:
- Situational Awareness
What is Situational Awareness
Levels of Awareness and How to Maintain an Alert State
Sheep, Sheepdogs & Wolves
How Criminals Select Their Targets
Improvised Weapons AS a "Force Multiplier"
- Home Invasion
Situational Awareness in the Home
5 Fundamental Home Defense Skills
Alarm Systems and Other Security Measures
- Carjacking Survival
The 5 "W's" of Carjacking
The survival Mindset
Vehicle Safety and Appropriate Tools for your Vehicle
Violent Interactions & Encounters
Anti-carjacking Techniques & Prioritizing Your Escape
- Pepper Spray
Risk Reduction
Accurate Aim (yes, you must aim) Pepper Spray at the Attacker
Different OC Pepper Spray patterns and the Advantages of Each
Decontamination Methods
*Practical Deployment of the Spray using Inert Training Cannisters*
Includes practical training in the deployment of the Pepper Spray. Additionally, there will be several types of Pepper Spray and other Defensive Devices for Sale after the class.
Andy Harris Zoom Call
Friday, March 25th - 7:00 pm

Baltimore County Republican Party
Lincoln-Reagan Dinner 2022
Monday March 21, 2022

Saturday March 19, 2022
11:30 am - 2:00 pm
Delta Hotel, Hunt Valley, MD
Dinner Theater
March 9, 2022

1st District Congressman Andy Harris
State of the Election 2020
Where: Silver Mining Company 8634 Belair Rd, Nottingham, MD 21236
When: Sat, Nov 21, at noon, doors open at 11:30 am.
RSVP: by replying to this email or
Lunch is $25 for members, $30 for non-members, $5 for non-eaters in appreciation of wait staff. Cash preferred.
Andy Harris will no doubt have lots to say. Hopefully, the election will be resolved by Nov 21, and favorably, but it won’t be without acrimony. Expect riots no matter the outcome. We know that everything is at stake: either keeping or losing our freedom.
It is strange that we have picked up seats in Congress, Trump has picked up a bigger minority vote. It ain’t over yet and may not be when Andy speaks. You don’t want to miss what Andy will have to say about the election and expectations for the next Congress and our future.

******* Trump Card Movie Showings*******
Written and directed by acclaimed film maker, scholar, and New York Times best-selling author Dinesh
D’Souza, TRUMP CARD is an expose of the socialism, corruption and gangsterization that now define
the Democratic Party. Whether it is the creeping socialism of Joe Biden or the overt socialism of
Bernie Sanders, the film reveals what is unique about modern socialism, who is behind it, why its evil,
and how we can work together with President Trump.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020
7:00 PM—8:00 PM
Jonathan Butcher, Heritage Foundation
School Choice and its Impact on Education
Jonathan Butcher will discuss our public education system, especially school choice. Education is a community concern. Without good results, communities suffer. It is our money, through taxation, that pays for public schools, yet they have been in decline. Americas tend to be patient, but the time appears to be ripe for change for the better. Look at recent results from Baltimore City and even our county schools are declining. Hear Jonathan expound on these issues and more.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Password: 111427
Or iPhone one-tap: +13017158592,,84435645284#,,,,,,0#,,111427#
Webinar ID: 844 3564 5284 Passcode: 111427

Saturday October 17, 2020
11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Guest Speaker Star Parker
Founder and President
Center for Urban Renewal and Education or CURE
Center for Urban Renewal and Education, is a Washington D.C. based Public Policy Institute
Delta by Marriott, 245 Shawan Rd, Hunt Valley 21031
Doors open at 11:30am, Start time 12:00pm promptly, Business Session, Speakers & Questions
-$25.00 for buffet lunch or a $5.00 cover charge which includes 1 drink, no lunch
Add $1 for credit card purchase, East Side door will be open for a shorter walk from the parking lot
STAR PARKER’s personal story proves that one can rise from poverty to success in America. She was once receiving welfare. She was lucky, persuaded to risk the “fear of failing,” went to college. From Los Angeles, she went to DC and established CURE, which is a public policy institute that fights poverty and restores dignity through messages of faith, freedom and personal responsibility.
In addition, she has written several books including Uncle Sam’s Plantation. Star is also a syndicated columnist. Go to the website and play some of her videos. You will be impressed.
Another can’t miss speaker!

African-American Outreach & Engagement
Distinguished Panelists from
Baltimore City to Our Nation's Capital
" What have you Got to Lose?"
That was the question Candidate Donald J. Trump posed to the African American Community in the 2016 Presidental election.
That question is at the heart of the fight to take back America... The Trump Campaign wants to attract more than the 8% of the Black vote that he received in 2016. With that goal in mind, The Republican Women of Baltimore County, the Party of Lincoln has created an event of historical magnitude for our Club. The RWBC cordially invites you to join our unique group distinguished and politically savvy African-Americans Guest Speakers.
Our goal is to give President Trump a National mandate by winning the Popular Vote.
Our Keynote Speaker: Diante Johnson - President/CEO Black Conservative Federation has been working closely with the White House Black Voices for Trump Coalition.
With our distinguished panel of speakers we will learn the strategies being used not only by the White House but also by local Republican Candidates who need to get out the Black vote and show African Americans that Republicans stand on the right side of history and the right side of the future for improving all American lives.

How About Dinner and a Movie with the Women of the RWBC?
The Republican Women of Baltimore County invite you to see Dinner and a Movie.
The Movie is Uncle Tom, not to be confused with the classic Uncle Tom's Cabin. This new movie is an updated and timely film exploring what it means to be a Black Conservative in America today.
When: Wednesday, August 19, 2020
6:00 PM Sharp
Where: Bertucci's White Marsh (behind the
White Marsh Mall)
RSVP: by August 13th
Seating is limited to 35

Getting to Know You - New Member Party
When: Sat, Aug 15, 2020 2 – 5 pm
Rain Date: Sun, Aug 16, 2020
Speaker: Ellen Sauerbrey plus meet Congressional Candidates
Please RSVP to
This is also a Pot Luck Party!
A – I Desserts
J – P Lunch Salads
R – Z Snacks / Hors d’Oeuvres
When you RSVP, please let us know what you plan to bring.

Missed Scott's presentation? Watch it here:

Scott Presler
Wednesday June 24, 2020 6 pm to 9 pm
Where: Hightopps Backstage Grill
2306 York Road
Timonium, MD 21093
Come by 6pm and order food and
drinks as you wish.
After the cleanup in Baltimore, Scott Presler went to other cities like San Francisco. He is a big supporter of President Donald Trump and is very informative about getting more citizens signed up to vote as Republicans. His father and grandfather were career military. He is a fabulous speaker and in great demand. He travels the country pushing a positive point of view about making cities and what we care about better. Scott Presler is traveling again as states open up. Recently, he was in Georgia. It is worth your time to take a look at this interview with Scott Presler:
Join us to be inspired!
Virtual Discussion with
Ken Timmerman
The French COVID Shutdown, Middle East and Antifa Influence

A Rally was held in Townson to Reopen Maryland
There was a Stand Up for Freedom Rally for Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness held on Friday, May 22,2020 at 2:00 PM in Towson, Maryland. Please see the flyer for more information. Many came out and supported all of the Citizens of Maryland at this important event that let our Government Leaders know how much we wanted to re-open Baltimore County.
Sponsored by ReOpen Baltimore County
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Hans von Spakovsky
Heritage Foundation
Potential for Fraud Is Why Mail-In Elections
Should Be Banned
Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on many issues including civil rights civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform. He is a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation and manages the Election Law Reform Initiative. His resume includes the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity and stints at the Federal Election Commission and the Department of Justice.
This webinar comes at an especially significant time after the 7th District Special Election, which was primarily BY MAIL ONLY and before the primarily BY MAIL ONLY June 2nd Congressional and Presidential Primary Election. Some officials have also recommended that MD’s November General Election be conducted by mail. Hans von Spakovsky addresses the riskiness of this type of election plus ways a truly honest election should be run.
Tuesday, April 23, 2020
Kathy Szeliga
Republican Minority Whip
House of Delegates
Maryland Republican Minority Whip in the House of Delegates discussed the billions of dollars of proposed new Maryland taxes and the realities of the COVID-19 costs to the state. Two tax bills, the Kirwan Plan (renamed Blueprint) most likely will be vetoed by Governor Hogan. The deadline to veto is 30 days after Hogan’s official receipt of all bills (681), he will decide the first week of May. There will be conjecture about the possibility of the majority Democrats calling a Special Session, envisioned for the last week of May, to override vetoed bills. Note that the Democrats have such a large majority that they control any decision to call back the General Assembly. Of course, in view of the present condition of the economy, will they do this? Hear Kathy’s reasoning.
Part 1 - State of MD affairs
Part 2 - Your questions answered
April 18, 2020
Former Governor Bob Ehrlich
Join us for an enlightening discussion with Bob Ehrlich as he discusses the 2020 election
We were honored to have former Governor Bob Ehrlich for our monthly meeting, but this time with the now-familiar online Webinar.
Bob spoke about several things including the 2020 election, a little bit on the subject of the day, none other than the Corona Virus, and Trump’s accomplishments plus the closure of non-essential businesses; what the debt and all these things mean for our country.
Bob is using his at-home time to write another book. His wife, Kendel Ehrlich, said that he writes easily. He is the Senior Counsel, Government Advocacy and Public Policy with the firm King & Spalding in Washington, DC.
Mr. Ehrlich spoke for about 15 minutes and then spent time chatting with Karen Tully and Dee Hodges and answering questions from the audience. We can look forward to an interesting time with the former Governor.
Part 1
Part 2
April 14, 2020
Kim Klacik
A Congressional Candidate District 7
(Special Election)
For many, this election is confusing. It is to fill the remainder of the late Congressman Cummings term. The winner will serve after the April 28th election until January 2021. Note that the regular primary for this seat will be in June with that election in November.
Kimberly Klacik has an interesting background of accomplishment. Perhaps she is best known for her exposure of the garbage mess in Baltimore City. The publicity got much of it cleaned up with the gratitude of citizens who had to live close to the mess.
Kimberly founded a non-profit that she ran for eight years, “Potential Me” to dress the poor for job opportunities. These women may have been in drug or alcohol rehab, released from jail or previously homeless. Clothing donations came from businesses. She sold clothing on E-Bay to pay staff and donated the rest to women seeking a better life. Klacik is a member of the Baltimore County Republican Central Committee.
April 7, 2020
Steve McIntire
Real Estate Investor
Section 8 Housing Baltimore County
Steve McIntire is a native of Baltimore County. Due to Section 8 encroaching into Baltimore County and problems that have come along with it, Steve has made a point of studying the subject. The name has been changed to "Housing Choice Vouchers" because the name Section 8 has such a bad reputation. While it has helped some, for others it has meant a perpetual dependence. Many neighbors have bad experiences with Section 8 renters. Further, Baltimore County has not enforced rules on bad renters, so for many, it has become a continuing problem. Steve will tell us how to fight Section 8 in your area.
As a real estate investor, Steve has become an expert in Section 8 Housing. Today, the issue is even more concerning since our County Exec and Council have voted to require that renters and sellers not reject an offer due to source of income. The General Assembly has passed the same law for all of Maryland. It is now up to Governor Hogan whether to accept or reject it.
Part 1 - Section 8 Housing
Part 2 - Section 8 Housing
Part 3 - Section 8 Housing
March 28, 2020
Jim Simpson
Businessman and Investigative Journalist at the Federalist
Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda
to Erase America
President Trump Re-election Training
February 22, 2020
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Towson Library Meeting Room
(Lower Level)
Join other enthusiastic Trump 2020 election campaigners for a President Trump Re-Election Training Class.
Trump Victory Instructors will be conducting the information session.
Come and join your fellow Keep America Great voters to engage in supporting our President. Don't be shy, there are all sorts of activities you can participate in to show your support for our President.
Organized by: MDGOP Committee Woman Nicolee Ambrose and Kathryn Jerrard Past RWBC President and Alternate Delegate for Trump2020.

RWBC February Monthly Meeting
Saturday February 15, 2020
12:00pm — 2:00pm
Stephen Moore
The Heritage Foundation
Maryland's Kirwan Taxes, Trump Tax Cut Effect and What's Next?
Delta Hotel (a Marriott Hotel)
245 Shawan Road Hunt Valley, MD
Doors opened promptly at 11:30 am. The meeting started on time at 12:00 pm.
Please enjoy our shortened version of the video.
Fantastic speaker! Enjoy a shortened version.
RWBC January Monthly Meeting
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Kirwan Commission Report
David Brinkley
Maryland Dept. Mgmt. & Budget
Kirwan Commission Report-A $4 Billion Annual Funding Request
Pappas Restaurant
550 Cranbrook Road
Cockeysville, MD
Doors opened promptly at 11:30 am. The meeting started at 12:00 pm.
Please enjoy a shortened video version of the meeting.
Missed the meeting? Short recap...
Infidel - Written and directed by acclaimed film maker Dinesh D'Souza.
Friday January 8, 2020
6:00PM Dinner
7:00PM Movie Start
Bertucci's Restaurant White Marsh Mall
Select menu pizza, salads, pastas
$10 per person donation at the door for RWBC activities
Limited to 18 people
Please RSVP, first come first serve.