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V-Pass Being Programmed Into Phones, Will Be Able to Register User’s Status

The Western Journal

Physical vaccine cards may be losing legitimacy as more digital versions are being released.

Samsung, one of the world’s top producers of electronic devices, now has what is often referred to as a “vaccine pass.”

Through the company’s partnership with The Commons Project and CommonHealth, a digital vaccine card was created that can be displayed from a user’s cell phone.

The Commons Project is a Switzerland-based nonprofit, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, whose website professes that “communities are stronger when data is open and can be shared for the benefit of all.”

But what is the perceived benefit of exposing health information?

CommonHealth is listed as a public service by The Commons Project. It claims to help people “collect, store and share their personal health information.” Their website claims that they empower users with their health information, while maintaining industry-leading “privacy standards.”

Perhaps they missed the “personal” and “privacy” part with sharing health records.

CommonHealth utilizes an active registry of health care providers that meet their eligibility requirements. Once a patient has been administered a vaccination, the provider may then issue a pass that can be uploaded to the Samsung Wallet.

Many people have become accustomed to using digital cards through more established virtual payment methods such as Samsung Pay and ApplePay. These types of software allow the processing of a transaction without a physical payment method present.

While there is much benefit to the advancement of technology and increase of digitalization, the benefits come with some downsides, one being that people will become even more reliant on cell phones and technology in general.

With in-person social interactions on the decline, further digital dependency will only progress the breakdown of human interaction that is arguably necessary for mental health and a well-functioning society.

Humans by nature are social creatures. As society transitions to more digital platforms, the dynamics of how people interact are changing with it.

It can be said that most now prefer a text message over a phone call, where the intimacy of body language and voice inflection is compromised for efficiency and perhaps the avoidance of a potentially awkward interaction.

As with anything experienced in life, it is good to take time for personal reflection. Is a more digitalized world one that is desired? If not, what can be done to stop it?

We can make the choice to put down our phones in order to be more fully present for an in-person meeting. We can choose a phone call over a social media post. We can pay in cash versus using a debit card or other form of digital payment.

A friendly reminder — the power to push back is still with the people.

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