By Joanne Seward Literacy Committee Chair
Republican Women of Baltimore County book review will recycle back to a book with a Christian message.
A Kids Guide to The Armor of God written by the late Tony Evans. Tony was the lead pastor at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, TX as well as a radio broadcaster being heard over 1,000 US outlets and more than 130 countries!
Pastor Evans takes a novel approach with a younger audience geared to ages 8 to 12 by utilizing and suiting up in a knight's armor to fortify one to do battle with spiritual enemies, speak the truth of God, stand firm in one's faith and spread the Good News of Jesus. The items he uses for this are a belt, a breastplate, shoes, a shield, a helmet and a sword. He formulates a warfare plan to do battle and succeed, to win in the battle that God and Satan are engaged in. He states in his book, "Satan likes to play games with people, even little kids, to make you feel worried, scared or angry."
Pastor Evans provides six tried and true tested pieces of armor that will help in winning the battle between good and evil.
Here are the titled contents on the opening page:
The Belt of Truth, The Breastplate of Righteousness, The Shoes of Peace, The Shield of Faith, The Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit with the final chapter called Victory!
Containing 104 pages of unqualified wisdom, whimsy and wonder, Pastor Evans invites the young to partake of the suggestions and soldier on to win the battle of good versus evil. The paperback book is by Harvest House Publishers and can be ordered on Thrift Books website for a nominal cost.
