It’s no longer a conspiracy theory. A bill in New York, SB416, will utilize FEMA camps and forced vaccines to deal with people who “MAY” by contagious or a public health threat. Who gets to determine who is interned in these camps? The ruling class, of course.
The FEMA camps those “crazy conspiracy theorists” have warned about could very soon be a reality for those living in New York state.Find Out More >
New York Senate Bill 416 authorizes the quarantine (jailing in internment camps) of individuals or groups who “potentially pose a threat to public health,” including forced testing and vaccinations. As the Ice Age Farmer said: This must stop now! There is no more gray area. You either support freedom, or some version of slavery. Wake up.take our poll - story continues below
Here’s the bill:
It was A99 last year, but suffice to say, sentiment has changed radically, and with immunization passports in the news, this merits our attention. What exactly gives any human the right to detain someone who hasn’t done anything wrong? Oh yeah, nothing.
Lines have been drawn. We will stand together as free people or we will go along as slaves to the ruling class, whose tyranny has not slowed down but been ramped up in a major way over the past year.
If you haven’t figured out that this isn’t about your health and keeping you safe, but keeping you controlled and under the thumb of the elitists and ruling class, I’m not sure what it’s going to take to get you to open your eyes. We have a bright future if we can wake up, work together, and stop allowing others to rule us.