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May 3, 2021 The COVID Passport: Fascism at Hand

Updated: Sep 26, 2021

By Jay Valentine This week, one of my virtual pals sent me this Naomi Wolf video, which I recommend you watch: Naomi Wolf is perfectly accurate warning that the COVID Passport is an unassuming, mild, reasonable-sounding concept that will lead to untold catastrophic civic consequences. She is way out front, and we should all pay attention to her. The COVID Passport is the doorway to fascism in your lifetime, on your doorstep, and there may be no turning back once it happens. Her thesis is this: the COVID Passport creates the platform on which to add all kinds of different data types (information from social media, credit card purchases, whom you were with from your geo location info on the phone) to profile every citizen and then take action against all of them. Do not think this is far-fetched. It has begun, and my team was at Ground Zero as it did. Remember the No Fly List? Sure, you do. My team built the technology to make it possible. Let's take a little stroll through some basic data concepts, and you will get it, I promise. Your name, height, weight, ethnicity, political party, residence, car you drive, products you purchase are attributes. You are, in data land, the sum of your attributes. If all we know is your name, address, age, sex, well, not much to deduce here. Let's add your social media posts, your friends, your friends' social media posts, the orgs they joined — well, now we are getting a fuller picture of you. You know that Big Tech is doing this now. Of course you do. You are on Amazon and look at a pair of hiking boots, and every time you hit the enter key, even doing email, you get an ad for hiking boots. That is your profile coming from your computer cache and cookies. Somebody collected it. What if it isn't hiking boots you seek, but rather you want to go to the Trump store or the Bernie website? You just added political attributes. Those define you in ways you never imagined. Your profile grows. Attributes can magnify each other as they accumulate. A dozen people are conservative, live in the same area, are of the two major sexes, are in similar age ranges, have generally similar incomes, education, height, and weight. All are Trump-supporters. But one bought 5.56 ammo online. Another wrote a social media post against nonsensical masks. Those two little transactions just magnified their other attributes to make them stand out for "special attention." You've seen it. The TSA pat-down, the surprise that someone was added to the No Fly List. So far, one key concept is that you volunteered your information in exchange for product stuff. Fair trade in the digital age. Most of those transactions were with different platforms. They are likely competitors. Those data were never aggregated. The COVID Passport is a very different animal. It does three key things that lead to catastrophe: 1. It forces everyone to join. 2. It can aggregate data from any source to "enrich" your profile. 3. It is in the hands of the government, and we all know how trustworthy they are. The government has been putting people on the No Fly List for years with no notice as to why. It will not publish its criteria. Chuck Schumer wants anyone who was at the Capitol protest on January 6 to get special mention on the No Fly List. Think your Second Amendment is safe, even in a red state? Not after the COVID Passport. Welcome to those Red Flag Laws. Now the government, for the sake of the community, can go to that COVID Passport database and see your pesky attributes. Wrote some nasty stuff about Kamala, did you? That social media comment after a glass of chardonnay did sound threatening about the village bond issue. Your credit card statement indicated contributions to white supremacist orgs. You bought a Don't Tread on Me flag! You just lost your guns, says the D.A. in a liberal county in conservative Texas. If the FISA Court corruption taught anything, it taught that the government, when it gets your data, will run amok, unchecked, until it destroys you. Heck, they're already doing it. The United States Postal Service, that same group who dumps mail under bridges, cannot make a profit with a monopoly, and cannot track your package out of state is now collecting social media info of people they find threatening. You know this. You know all of this. What Naomi Wolf is warning about is that there has never been a comprehensive, mandatory platform to collect and aggregate all this data about American citizens by the government. The COVID Passport is that platform. When it begins, the government could enable your credit score to be impacted if you do not agree with its health regs. Your job in constant threat, your life now run by those same nameless, faceless robots behind the No Fly List. When this happens, who you gonna call? The FBI? Take it to court? Good luck. So take this one seriously. This threat is far worse than anyone thinks. And it is at hand. Take it from the team that built the No Fly List. This is the big one. Jay Valentine's web site is and Jay led the team that built eBay's fraud detection and builds advanced fraud detection technology.

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