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Guess Who Has Key Rolls on the Cox for Freedom Governor's Campaign?

Updated: Aug 26, 2022

Republican Women of Baltimore County is proud to announce that two of its members have been chosen to work on the statewide Governor’s race for Dan Cox and Gordana Schifanelli! Their previous responsibilities as Baltimore County Co-Captains was to assist coordinating door-to-door canvassing, sign waving, mobilization of key constituencies and initiating a multi-channel voter contact and turnout program. Together, Kate and Laura spearheaded many successful initiatives to assist the Cox Campaign in winning the July 19 primary election in the Northern Region.

Kate and Laura began working together in the fall of 2021 after witnessing the devastating effects of Covid lockdowns and appalling government overreach. Specifically, the two women fought hard against mask and vaccine mandates organizing workshops to help educate parents about their rights and rallies to protest the violations of our medical freedoms. A central issue to the Cox Campaign is questioning the legality of the lockdowns, mask, and vaccine mandates Therefore, the transition to support the Cox-Schifanelli campaign was an easy decision for these two Mama Bears. Both believe the election of Cox-Schifanelli is the most streamlined way to restore freedom to Maryland and protect our children’s future.

They are both looking forward to serving the Cox Campaign in their new roles:

Kate Sullivan will serve as Statewide Field Director for the Cox for Freedom campaign. Kate will be working with the campaign Regional Directors and Captains to lead the volunteer activities, events, communications, and GOTV initiatives across the state.

Laura Hartman will serve as Eastern Central Maryland Regional Director for the Cox for Freedom campaign. Laura will be working with campaign Captains to lead volunteer activities, events, communications, and GOTV initiatives local to Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Anne Arundel, and Harford County.

Through Hartman and Sullivan, the Cox Campaign has a strong relationship with the Republican Women of Baltimore County and The Patriot Club of America. Both groups combined have over 500+ members with which to pull volunteers and fundraising initiatives.

Field Director Kate Sullivan and Regional Director Laura Hartman will focus on the campaign’s key issues:

· All Businesses and People are Essential

“I will ensure that the rights of life, liberty and property are guaranteed to every person in each executive action. I will never lock you down and will work to reduce regulations, taxes and ensure our retirees can retire in Maryland.”

· Remove CRT (Critical Race Theory) from Public Schools

“CRT is Marxist propaganda and it has no place in our civil and free society. I will also fight to restore local control of education and curriculum and will support parental rights in education.”

· Provide School Choice

“I will examine all executive options available to rescue our failing schools, and present a legislative package to expand school choice and independent charter schools state-wide. The General Assembly must act to provide the Constitutional education mandate for every child equally and that must include school choice.”

· Protect Our Communities and Support Law Enforcement

State Delegate Dan Cox defends the Thin Blue Line, defeating many “defund the police” bills, while significantly amending the police “reform” bills that passed.

· Reduce Taxes

Submitting a legislative package to provide real tax relief for every Marylander, awakening a new era of prosperous Maryland economic ingenuity and hope for families and retirees.

Additionally, although not officially part of their campaign platform, both Dan and Gordana vehemently support Right to Life and Second amendment.

“As a Maryland native, I am very proud to lead this effort in Baltimore County to elect two new leaders who will put our state first by fighting for freedom,” said Regional Director Laura Hartman. “The Cox-Schifanelli candidacy is inspiring Marylanders across this state. Our mission is to make sure we reach all the voters we need to win.”

“Together Laura and I will build a strong turnout program across the state,” said Kate Sullivan. “We established a strong team of volunteers for the primary election in the truest spirit of a grass roots movement”. Inspired by the freshly minted Cox-Schifanelli campaign manager, Zach Werrell, Kate offered the following insight: “We have the message, we have the energy, and now, with this new team, we have the machine. It takes an army and we are grateful to have such a strong team of volunteers.”

The primary campaign showed Marylanders that the America First platform is alive and well in the State of Maryland. The Cox for Freedom campaign demonstrated that winning is not dependent on well healed donors and lots of outside money, it is the citizens of Maryland that make the ultimate decision.

Congratulations to our two members Laura Hartman and Kate Sullivan.

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