Published on September 30, 2021
If you’ve been following along, once you saw the massive effort the Biden Administration was undertaking to push booster shots despite the hesitancy of the FDA to approve their use for all adults, you knew what would be coming next.
Now, here it is.
In an interview with The Atlantic, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that he believed that booster shots
would become standard in the future to be considered fully protected.
Having said that, I’ve made it clear that my opinion has always been that I believe that
a third-shot booster for a two-dose mRNA [vaccine] should ultimately and will
ultimately be the proper, complete regimen. The vaccine is very successful. The
durability of it is something that’s a subject of considerable discussion and sometimes
According to the Post Millennial:
“I think we should be preventing people from getting sick from COVID even if they
don’t wind up in the hospital,” Dr. Fauci said at The Atlantic Festival on Tuesday. [….]
However, Fauci said that he “rejects” skeptics’ notions and insisted it’s beneficial to have
temporary protection [rather] than no protection; despite the fact that the mRNA
COVID vaccine was allegedly designed prevent the virus.
During the interview, Fauci explained it’s highly likely that individuals won’t be
considered fully-vaccinated unless they get booster shots.
The chief medical adviser explained that the Delta Variant shifted control of the
pandemic which led to vaccinations becoming less preventative, thus requiring the
need for boosters.
Now we should note that Fauci is cautioning people to wait to get the booster shot until it is approved for their age group by the FDA. Right now, it is only approved by the FDA for emergency use for those over 65 and those at serious risk for COVID. The CDC director was recommending it for those groups and who are at high risk of getting sick because of professional exposure, such as healthcare workers. But Fauci clearly expects it to be approved for all and become the new regimen, despite the fact that they don’t really have long-term data yet on the effectiveness of the boosters.
You just knew the goalposts would be moved, as they have been throughout the pandemic. Fifteen days to flatten the curve morphed into severe restrictions around the country for more than a year, with some states still having restrictions including in the forms of mandates. Now, if what Fauci says then becomes the norm, you will be considered to need a third shot to be “fully” protected. Can we then anticipate that it will change later in the future and be upped to four? How about different restrictions to get into places unless you have the third shot? Could that be coming next? I wouldn’t doubt it.
