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American Library Association is an Extremist Led Organization Promoting Child Pornography

Moms for Liberty Legislative Chair

This is the testimony from Moms for Liberty on House Bill 671 (Cross-filed with SB 355) title: Criminal Law - Display of Obscene Materials to Minors - Prohibition

Hearing Date: February 14, 2024


Committee: Ways & Means

Parents have the fundamental right to direct the education of their children. The

child belongs to the parent or legal guardian and not to the state. Therefore,

parents have every right and obligation to protect their child from books and

materials containing obscene content.

A well-orchestrated campaign to bring sexually explicit materials is being waged

across the country. One sees the same books being named from state to state.

The American Library Association, led by a self-proclaimed Marxist lesbian

challenged books yearly. For each of the books on the 2022 list, the ALA cites

“claimed to be sexually explicit.”

According to the ALA, the most challenged book for 2022 was Gender Queer by

Maia Kobabe. This graphic novel features a picture of oral sex being performed

on a sex toy. This is just one of many obscene graphic pictorial depictions in

this book. It also contains X-rated passages.

A review of this book can be found here:

A quick flip through this most challenged novel will be enough for the average

parent of a public-school student to question whether their tax dollars are being


Some of the other most challenged books of 2022, All Boys Aren’t Blue by

George M. Johnson which contains underage incest. Lawn Boy by Jonathan

Evison contains a passage about 10-year-old boys performing oral sex on each

other. This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson provides a guide on how to hook up

with strangers on gay sex apps.

There is a true disconnect between what extremist led organizations deem

appropriate for school aged children and what parents think is appropriate. The

claims of parents are well founded. Parents have every right to deem what is

and is not appropriate material for their children. Legislation to address these

concerns is long past due.

Suzie Scott, Chair Moms for Liberty Maryland Legislative Committee



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