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Kathryn Jerrard, president of the Baltimore County club and Carol Randall attended the Senate Caucus in Annapolis on Tuesday, March 13 and had a very active day. They both listened to updates on some legislation that was being considered.


They attended the press conference held by Kathy Szeliga for her HB 1308 against sanctuary status in Maryland and also the continuation for state and local officials to allow the DHS, ICE, and ERO to do their jobs. It was very powerful as Sheriff Jenkins spoke about the many incidences of the MS13 gang related deaths attributed to them including the terror tactics that they use. He mentioned that there is increased immigration in Frederick County and that the cooperation with the DOJ, the DHS, ICE, and ERO is very much needed. A heartbreaking testimony was shared by a mother who lost her ten year old son to an illegal immigrant driving drunk who struck her son, dragged him under the car wheel and then proceeded to backup over his body in an effort to escape capture. He had multiple convictions and had not been deported earlier. Therefore, justice was not served.


Without missing a beat, they attended another hearing on HB 1461 – SAFE ACT or Sanctuary Status in Maryland as well as Kathy Szeliga’s HB 1308 which was heard in the Judiciary Committee. In addition, the Campaign for Liberty presented over 5,000 signatures in opposition to HB 1461 along with other petitions that circulated. Sheriff Jenkins and other law enforcement people testified against the bill. Candidate Payne, F.A.I.R., Asians for American Laws and Liberty provided powerful testimony along with Black and Hispanic women in opposition to HB 1461 and support for HB 1308. 




Tuesday, February 20, 2018


The Maryland Federation of Republican Women’s annual “Red Scarf Day” proved to be a wonderful event this year due to some incredible weather, as well as a record turnout of 135 committed and dedicated Republican women from across the state. Our club alone had 16 members in attendance


The early morning House and Senate Republican Caucus meetings were open to the public, with a number of controversial issues discussed, including those regarding voting, immigration, and taxes.


After the group photo on the marble stairway inside the State House, we proceeded to the historic Calvert House for the legislative brunch. The group was welcomed by Diana Waterman, the new president of the Maryland Federation for Republican Women, who remarked looking out into the room on “What a sea of red!” 


A number of Republican delegates and senators from around the state welcomed us to Annapolis and gave their impressions of the 2018 Maryland General Assembly session so far. Some of the highlights were:


∙ Secretary of Budget and Management David Brinkley spoke of Governor Larry Hogan’s efforts to curb spending without having to raise taxes and the explicit need to pass a balanced budget. He stressed that, “the budget is everything” and that the needs of the state must be met. In particular, $6.5 billion dollars have been allocated for education as all students should enjoy a higher standard of learning, but not all results have been met

Secretary Brinkley feels that working with Governor Hogan is “an honor. “  


∙ Delegate Ric Metzgar spoke about the need to return prayer in the schools.


∙ Delegate Kathy Szeliga urged the use of social media to defend and promote the Republican agenda through a state chapter in development called “Winning for Women.” There has been a liberal shift in perception in Maryland which must be countered.


∙ Lieutenant Governor Boyd Rutherford spoke about the importance and the challenges of the upcoming primaries. He stressed the need to gain 5 Senators and 7 Delegates in the legislature in the November elections.


∙ Senator Michael Hough talked about the opioid crisis and its pervasiveness throughout the state.


One of the delegates paid tribute to Marjorie Holt, a member of the Severna Park Republican Women’s Club, who recently passed away at the age of 97. Mrs. Holt represented Anne Arundel and Prince George’s counties in Congress from 1973 to 1987,

and was gifted in her ability to reach across the aisle.

On a personal note, Carol Anderson and I were fortunate to meet Governor Hogan by chance as we were approaching the steps of the State House. The governor exuded such charm and energy to “get things done.”  Let’s make our rallying cry for 2018 be “Re-elect Larry Hogan!”




The Republican Women of Baltimore County hosted its first informal political discussion at Hightopps Restaurant in Timonium on Wednesday, January 31st. The purpose of these gatherings, which are open to the public, is to feature expert speakers who will present political and social topics of the day relevant to their background and experiences. Subsequent talks covering a variety of topics will continue at High Tops on the last Wednesday of each month through June. The social hour begins at 6:00 pm, followed by the presentation and a question and answer period.


The featured speaker at this first meeting was Dr. Eli Krakowski, President and CEO of EDK Consulting, LLC, a global firm providing solutions to clients’ security needs. He is an advisor on strategies for the war on terror and has been a member of the Maryland Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council. His presentation was entitled “Meeting the Threats to U. S. National Security - The Interplay of Internal and Foreign Factors.”


One of the main points that Dr. Krakowski stressed was the ever-changing nature of threats to US national security over the past several decades and how the interplay of internal and external factors shapes US defense and foreign policy. Unfortunately, former President Obama’s prior strategy and his legacy have put the US in a much more dangerous position than might otherwise be the case. His announcement in 2009 that US troops would be out of Afghanistan by 2014 was tantamount to declaring defeat in the midst of a war.


Dr. Krakowski also spoke of specific problems posed by Russia, China, and North Korea, along with the Islamist threat to the US. He believes that President Trump’s emphasis on recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital with moving the U.S. embassy there to be a sound negotiating tactic. In summary, he feels that there needs to be a constancy and continuity of the American presence worldwide to reduce the need for military involvement abroad.


The presentation was followed by a lively question and answer period.




Kathryn Jerard, RWBC President and Patty Ensor, Literacy Committee Co-Chairman presenting Mr. Kim Shibley, Upper School English Department Teacher for Greater Grace Christian Academy (pictured), receiving this year's book selection for the Mamie Eisenhower Library Project.  This Committee engages in activities to promote literacy throughout our local communities.  



Contact the Intelligence Committee's Majority Members and President Trump to thank them for exposing what was hidden from the FISA court, and contact the Minority Members and criticize them for trying to cover up this abuse. Your voice makes a huge difference.


Links to the websites of the Majority Members (Rs) on the HSCI are found here


Links to the websites of the Minority Members (Ds) on the HSCI are found here


The White House can be emailed at this link




Jan 18, 2018

Presenting 2018 Legislative Priorities to 188 Maryland Legislators                 


 On Thursday, January 11, 2018 five women from Baltimore County joined other members of the Maryland Federation of Republican Women from around the state on the second day of the new 2018 Maryland Legislative Session. Visiting the offices of all the 188 state legislators (Democrats as well as Republicans), making sure all of our representatives had our list of legislative priorities for 2018.

The MFRW supports Gov. Hogan’s continuing efforts to:

  • Reduce the rate of growth of spending in the State Budget and improve effectiveness of state programs

  • Encourage greater job growth with proposed “More Jobs for Maryland Act II to expand our 2017 success

  • Stop Gerrymandering – Uphold Veto of SB 1023 – 2017, reforming Congressional and Legislative Redistricting

  • Restore pre-2012 level (30%) of sharing gas tax with counties to maintain local roads and jurisdictions

  • Improve educational opportunities for all children

  • Improve the environment

The MFRW also specifically supports:

(TAXES) - Income Tax “credit” for retirees; exempt military from State Income Tax; capautomatic CPI increase in gasoline tax at current level.

(VOTING) -  Require showing government-issued Photo ID to Vote. Require showing proof of citizenship to register to vote at Board of Elections, MVA or any designated agency. 

Evaluation of effectiveness of Early Voting (EV) – Has total voter turnout increased? Is 8 days too many?

Insure that all polling places have equal number of Republican & Democratic Election Judges.                                                                                                                                               

Insure that individuals rejected for Jury Duty because they are non-citizens are removed from the Voters’ List and that the number of such removals be posted publicly.

MFRW OPPOSES: Allowing non-citizens to register and vote in Board of Education elections or city elections (MC 25-2016); sanctuary cities refusing to follow immigration laws.

(EDUCATION) MFRW supports: School Budget Performance Review; School Choice – charter schools, vouchers.

Evaluate effectiveness of Thornton Formula (by educational achievement /skills – not just dollars spent). Revise / refine Common Core Implementation to serve Maryland students effectively (compare student test scores, graduation rates and attendance in Common Core and non-Common Core schools).  Uphold Governor’s Veto of SB 543 (HB 694). Bill prohibits college applications from asking about criminal history. This bill treats felony crimes the same as misdemeanors potentially putting other college students in danger.

MFRW OPPOSES: K – 12 school bathroom / showers open to all based on self-identified rather than biologic gender.

(ENVIRONMENT) MFRW supports: Dredging Conowingo Dam; divert debris from dam; and reuse dredged material.

The MFRW (i.e., the RWBC and other clubs’ members) will actively monitor the progress of legislation and will contact legislators to express its support or opposition on important matters during the Legislation Session. 

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Jan 9, 2018

On Saturday, December 2, 2017 the Republican Women of Baltimore County traveled by bus to Washington, D.C for a fantastic Christmas tour of the White House. The trip was very well organized by Ellen Sauerbrey who moved mountains to assure that all fell into place along with the assistance of other club ladies including Eleanor Huber, Donna Mell and Jeanne Townsend.


We arrived at the White House Tourist Center and after previewing a film showcasing the history of the White House narrated by various First Ladies, we walked the short distance to the White House grounds. The tour was pretty much self - directed. By sheer coincidence and perfect timing upon entering the hallway of the White House President Trump was seen boarding Air Force One for a trip to New York City. Several people four deep were lucky enough to be standing at a nearby window to catch a photo of President Trump leaving. Our very own Kristen Keller managed to get a great photo of him.


The tour included several rooms in the White House all exquisitely decorated by First Lady Melania Trump including a team of volunteers from across the country. The theme for this year was “ Time Honored Traditions.” There were 53 Christmas tress containing over 12,000 ornaments. The decorated rooms included were the East Room with a beautiful display of the Nativity scene, the Red Room, the Green Room and the Blue Room.


Our trip also included a short tour of the War Memorial Plaza featuring the names of DC residents who served in WW 1.


Boarding the bus for the ride home proved to be relaxing and also informative. Martha Klima reminisced about her time in the political arena highlighting poignant memories of herself along with Ellen Sauerbrey. Kathryn Jerrard also spoke and reminded us of some upcoming events going into 2018. 


The tour was amazing and kudos go out to all that were involved to make it an absolute and total success !!





Jan 8, 2018

Sunday December 3​, 2017​

​ ​

Republican Women of Baltimore County held their annual Christmas party at the lovely home of Bill and Carol Randall in Monkton, MD.  After everyone finished dining from a delicious buffet in which all members contributed, Ellen Sauerbrey opened our meeting. She introduced Andy Harris, a physician and a member of the U.S. House of Representative for Maryland’s 1st Congressional District which includes the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Dr. Harris spoke of President Trump’s accomplishments and the need to capture as​ many Senate and House of Representative seats as possible in the upcoming 2018 election cycle.


Pat McDonough, a Republican member of the Maryland House of Delegates representing District 7, spoke about his run for Baltimore County Executive. He described the current status of Baltimore County which he felt needed improvement on many levels and is dedicated to making the county one of the best in the country.


Candidate Dr. Tim Robinson, an anethesiologist, is running for Delegate in District 42B. His emphasis centers on ensuring Larry Hogan, the current Governor of Maryland, wins a second term. He asked for people to volunteer as much as they can.  

Donna Mell announced the winner of the Trump wine basket as Wayne Radcliff. The winning ticket was actually sold by Donna’s husband, Ben, to Wayne.

Kathryn Jerrard, President of RWBC introduced the officers for the new board for 2018. 


Nicole Harris- 1st VP

Jolie McShane- 2nd VP

Connie Esposito – Treasurer

Eleanor Huber – Secretary.

Outgoing members Donna Mell, Carol Randall and Jeanne Townsend will still remain involved in our wonderful club.

Ellen Sauerbrey closed our meeting in which she complimented Kathryn on her many successful accomplishments in 2017and how

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