“The Digital Dollar is a Power Grab”
Saturday June 24, 2023 Republican Women's meeting featured Reggie Littlejohn and Dr. EJ Antoni. To view the entire speech link here: https://www.facebook.com/100064403933799/videos/831038208155941
China expert and founder of Women without Frontiers and Co-Chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force spoke to the Republican Women of Baltimore County about the dangers of digital IDs and Vaccine Passports. Having studied the Chinese implementation of a digitized currency, Reggie Littlejohn warned of the two big traps being laid before the US population. First is Digital Identification programs and/or Digital Vaccine Passports.
To prove her point, these three one-minute videos were shown to the audience:
1 – Bank for International Settlements – Augustin Carstens General Manager October 19, 2020
"The Central Bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of (currency) that central bank liability, and we have the technology to enforce that."
2 - Budi Sadikin B20 (Business20 Forum) Digital Health ID November 14, 2022
“If you have been vaccinated or tested properly, you can move around.. We will sub [this digital certificate using WHO standard] into the next World Health Assembly.”
3 - Tedros - WHO launches international global health certification system – June 5, 2023
Tedros Announces "Global Digital Health Certificate"
The pretext of using health to establish a global identification system is a plan to mirror China’s system which is in full swing. In Communist China if you criticize the government, then you cannot send your child to school, can’t use your bus pass, can’t purchase food..if you keep this up then the government will disappear you. Listen at 39:00
“The World Health Organization Advisory Commission is becoming more of a mandatory organization," said Reggie Littlejohn. Ms. Littlejohn likened the WHO to a militarized arm of the globalists.
The WHO has issued a new "Pandemic Treaty" with the “One Health” initiative, which includes:
Human Health
Animal Health
Environmental Health
These three “Health” focused areas control every aspect of our lives! Throw in climate change, agricultural production (think Dutch farmers), economics, local trade, security, wild animal welfare…
In conclusion, the WHO wants total control of our movements, purchases, lifestyle and to do so, their goals have included eliminating all “disinformation and misinformation” through a surveillance state. See chart at 43:00
The Scope of “One Health” mandates all life is equal, as Ms. Littlejohn explained “the rat in my basement is equal to human beings.” This is a blatant takeover of all religions, a destruction of our national sovereignty and simply a globalist power grab. Listen at 44:00
We are facing a threat to our national sovereignty, the WHO wants to move from an advisory council to a body that can mandate what treatments we can have and cannot have, including mandating vaccines.
This is a recipe for the China model to be spread internationally, so between the WHO and digital currencies we are facing a trap. Listen at 46:00.
Contact Reggie Littlejohn https://www.womensrightswithoutfrontiers.org/ or reggielittlejohn@gmail.com
You can make a difference NOW! Sign the StopVaxPassports petition organized by Reggie Littlejohn’s team of experts: https://stopvaxpassports.org/petition/
Watch RWBC Reporter Karen Tully interview Reggie Littlejohn to discuss highlights of her speech. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGnwzrn858A