The Baltimore County Republican Central Committee (BCRCC) held its annual Lincoln-Reagan Day Dinner at the Woodholme Country Club on Monday June 27, 2023, with House Freedom Caucus Congressman Scott Perry. At this well attended annual event RCRCC Chairman Patty Fallon presents the “Chairman’s 2023 Award for Service and Dedication to the Baltimore County Republican Party”.
Jolie McShane, President of the Republican Women of Baltimore County (RWBC) was recognized for her involvement in the 2022 elections, supporting candidates with sign waving, door knocking and electioneering. As President of RWBC, she has inspired others to join in what she calls the “fun” of being with other like-minded citizens. She has been supportive of the RWBC Election Integrity committee by attending Board of Elections meetings and speaking out on the committee’s behalf. As President, Jolie McShane spearheaded the efforts to remove pornographic books from the public schools and appointed RWBC Education Committee Katie Swim to alert parents of the pornographic books in the schools. Under Jolie’s guidance the RWBC website/blogs and social media reach has expanded to 11 different platforms.
When asked about the BCRCC Award, Jolie said, “I was so humbled by this recognition, I cried on the stage. This recognition is for all the hard-working members of the Republican Women of Baltimore County, it is they who should be recognized.”
The Lincoln Reagan Dinner was attended by more than 150+ Republicans at the Woodholme Country Club in Owings Mills, MD.

Congratulations to our awesome President Jolie McShane! Your talents are amazing and you have been a great leader and mentor to all of us on the Board and our members! Thank you for all you do for us and our Party!