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Candidate Dan Cox for Governor Addresses the “Gender Identity and Fluidity” Nonsense

Republican Women of Baltimore County (RWBC) grabbed the opportunity to interview Candidate Dan Cox prior to a town hall meeting sponsored by the Pasadena Community Association. Dan's Competitor was of course a no show. Karen Tully RWBC Reporter asked key questions that concern Maryland Voters. It’s important to address the latest trend where young people are encouraged to question their sexuality. Hear Candidate Dan Cox’s response here.

Vote for Dan Cox for Governor because: All Businesses and People are Essential “I will ensure that the rights of life, liberty and property are guaranteed to every person in each executive action. I will never lock you down and will work to reduce regulations, taxes and ensure our retirees can retire in Maryland.” Vote for Dan Cox for Governor to Remove CRT (Critical Race Theory) from Public Schools “CRT is Marxist propaganda, and it has no place in our civil and free society. I will also fight to restore local control of education and curriculum and will support parental rights in education.” Vote for Dan Cox for Governor to: Provide School Choice “I will examine all executive options available to rescue our failing schools and present a legislative package to expand school choice and independent charter schools state-wide. The General Assembly must act to provide the Constitutional education mandate for every child equally and that must include school choice.” Vote for Dan Cox for Governor to: Protect Our Communities and Support Law Enforcement: “I will direct the Maryland State Police to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to remove all violent criminal aliens from the streets, communities and schools of Maryland. Baltimore City must be declared an emergency. The Baltimore City Police Dept. (BPD) is 500+ officers short-staffed. I will boost this with emergency community policing of six-member teams that work with the same neighborhoods they police, enforcing and upholding all law including petty crimes with a model proven to work in NYC, while backed up by special State Police units who will respond in support of local jurisdictions to violent crimes with swiftness. Above all, the right to self-defense must be protected under the Second Amendment. I will direct the State Police to grant shall issue permits to carry and will work to bring Constitutional Carry to Maryland to comply with the Constitution’s right to keep and bear arms without permits for law abiding citizens.” Vote for Dan Cox for Governor to Reduce Taxes by submitting a legislative package to provide real tax relief for every Marylander, awakening a new era of prosperous Maryland economic ingenuity and hope for families and retirees. Vote In Person on November 8, 2022

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